Imagine the Lasting Impact Your Gift Will Make
Planned giving to St. Andrew’s makes an incredible impact on our school, provides the opportunity for a lasting legacy and comes with attractive charitable benefits for you.
Planned and deferred gifts include bequests, life income plans, life insurance, and estate gifts. Many offer significant and immediate income and estate tax advantages. All offer a forward-thinking and thoughtful way to support St. Andrew’s mission to offer a transformative education to children of many cultures, any faith tradition, all socioeconomic backgrounds, and a wide range of learning profiles.
Planned Gift Options
How it works: Name St. Andrew’s as a beneficiary in your will or living trust.You can indicate a specific item, a specific amount, a gift contingent on certain events, or a percentage of your estate.
The benefit to you: Your gift costs nothing in your lifetime. The donation is exempt from federal estate tax.
How it works: Name St. Andrew’s as a beneficiary to receive assets such as retirement plans and life insurance policies.
The benefit to you: Your gift costs nothing in your lifetime. The donation is exempt from federal estate tax.
How it works: Gift annuities serve as contracts between St. Andrew’s and the donor. We agree to pay a fixed sum of money to you for the duration of your life. Afterwards, the remainder is left to the school.
The benefit to you: Your gift supports the school while also guaranteeing you income for the rest of your or a loved one’s life.Allows for a one-time, partial charitable tax deduction based on life-expectancy and anticipated income stream.
How it works: Set up a charitable remainder trust that provides you or other named individuals income each year for life or a specified period (not more than 20 years). The remaining assets are then designated to St. Andrew’s. Payment rates vary with the annual value of the trust.
The benefit to you: These trusts can allow for an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the assets and up-front capital gains tax avoidance.
How it works: Assets are transferred to a trust that makes payments to St. Andrew’s for a specified period of time, which you choose. When the term is up, the remaining trust assets go to you, a loved one, or other non-charitable beneficiaries you select.
The benefit to you: This significantly reduces your transfer taxes for your children or grandchildren.
How it works: There are several ways to make a gift of real estate - including an outright gift, a bequest, a retained life estate, or bargain sale (to name a few) each with differing benefits.
The benefit to you: When you donate appreciated property you have held longer than one year, you get a federal income tax charitable deduction and avoid paying capital gains taxes.
The 1893 Society 
We want to thank you and recognize your generosity.
St. Andrew’s 1893 Society honors supporters who have designated a portion of their assets in their will or through their estate planning to benefit St. Andrew’s School. This group is open to anyone, and gifts of all sizes are accepted. Gifts can support the St. Andrew’s Fund, can be directed to any of St. Andrew’’s existing endowment funds, or can create a new named fund. This group is acknowledged in our annual report, on our website, and in other publications. If you’ve already included St. Andrew’s in your estate plans, please let us know so we can show you our appreciation.
Please contact us for more information.
What donors have to say…
As the grandparent of a St. Andrew's graduate and a current student, I have served the school in many capacities —from helping with mailings to being a member of the Board of Trustees. I care deeply about this school, and I want to be sure that future generations of students can benefit from the powerful experience of a St. Andrew's education. That's why I have provided for the school in my estate plans.
In the fall of 1985, my family and I made a pivotal decision to transfer to St. Andrew’s. During my time as a student, I received a first-class education, made close lifelong friendships, and created countless fond memories. It was one of the most rewarding and wise decisions I have ever made. St. Andrew’s was the perfect educational environment for me and fully prepared me for college and a successful career. I joined the 1893 Society to ensure that generations to come are granted the same opportunity that was bestowed upon me.